
Unsere meistgestellten Fragen

Wir möchten Ihnen hier als kleine Hilfestellung unsere meistgestellten Fragen beantworten. Bitte zögern Sie nicht uns eine Nachricht zu schreiben, falls Ihnen die folgenden Antworten nicht weiter helfen.


What is the gels’ shelf life?

The gels’ shelf life depends on the gel buffer’s polyacrylamide concentration and pH value. I.e. the lower the concentration, the longer the shelf life. Depending on gel type, a gel can have a shelf life of between six weeks to twelve months. However, we can assure you that all of the gels we supply always have a minimum shelf life of at least five weeks.

What is the wells’ holding capacity?

Wells’ holding capacities depends on the thickness of the gel and the width of the well, which decreases with increasing well quantity. The following table provides an overview of the wells’ holding capacity:
Layer thickness 10 strips 12 strips 15 strips
1.0 mm 25 µl 20 µl 15 µl
1.5 mm 37 µl 30 µl 22 µl

Do the sample buffers for protein electrophoresis contain 2-mercaptoethanol or any other reducing agents?

No, our sample buffers do not contain any reducing agents. You can therefore choose yourself whether to use, e.g. 2-mercaptothanol, DTT or DTE as a reducing agent. Reducing agents must be added immediately before a sample is denatured. Only use freshly reduced samples for electrophoresis. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you would like more information on this subject.

Does the transfer buffer for ProGel/ProGel-P contain any SDS and/or alcohols?

No, our transfer buffers do not contain any SDS or alcohol. SDS is necessary for the proteins’ mobility. After electrophoresis, the gel generally contains sufficient SDS to enable the proteins to be transferred to the membrane. Alcohol is often added to transfer buffers in order to remove SDS from the proteins and to increase the interactions between the nitrocellulose membrane and protein. However, this reduces the proteins’ mobility, reduces the gel matrix’s pore size and consequently makes the transfer harder. In some cases, it might nonetheless still be necessary to add SDS or alcohol to a transfer buffer, and this needs to be established experimentally. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you would like more information on this subject.